Field trips and tours are a fun aspect of homeschooling. Here are some ideas and trips in the works:
*Want to travel overseas with other homeschoolers at a great price? has all the info for you.
*King's Landing Offers Educational Programs in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
Kings Landing Historical Settlement Spring Session - 2007
Note:School programs during this time will be conducted in one part of the settlement only as we prepare the remainder of the site for opening day, June 2, 2007.
(Available:March 27, 28, 29 and 30, 2007) 19th Century Sugar Bush Program for Schools (by reservations for all grades)
Kings Landing's Sugar Bush will demonstrate methods of sugaring off in 19th century New Brunswick. Explore who the people are we represent at Kings Landing and discover how they made use of their natural environment as you visit our Sugar Bush. Sample maple sap and maple candy on the snow, and experience the process of sugaring off from beginning to end. Length of Program: 2 hours Fee $6.00 per student
May 9 - June 1, 2007
Grades 1 and 2: Role of a Young Child - Students will explore the role of the young child in the 19th century family. The position of a child in the home will be presented through discussion, exploration and chores. Your activity will include experiencing a typical chore for a child and discovering its importance to family survival.
Grades 3 and 4: Community Members and Lifestyle
Students will explore and discover the community members and their lifestyle. You will identify our Loyalist families, their trades and why they settled along the St. John River Valley. You will discuss responsibilities of young people and experience a typical chore of the 19th century.
Grades 5 and 6: Early Settlement and Resources
Students will explore the geographical features of Kings Landing Historical Settlement and their resources available in early communities. You will examine methods of communication and settlement patterns through a newspaper and maps.
Grade 7 - 12: Students are welcome to visit our site. Please contact us and we will work with you to plan a tour to suit your needs.
(Everyone can pick what groups you want. I will call and see what the minimum amount is to have a group. We'll all go on the same day-if we can. We'll car-pool from Moncton and split gas costs.)
May 26'th (Saturday) is the day set aside for this trip. Please mark it on your calendars. We will bring bag lunches for a picnic. Leave a comment if you are planning to attend, which group your interested in, and how many people are planning to attend from your family.
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