Sunday, January 28, 2007

Reading Freebies

*Did you know that Home Educators (that means you, mom and dad) can get a free Teacher's library card? This enables you to take out books for 6 weeks instead of the usual 3 weeks. VHS and DVD are only able to be borrowed for 3 weeks.

On the topic of reading, check out these freebies of the week:

*This site will allow you to read books online-many different languages available Read Books Here.
*The Home School Mom has provided a directory of online Christian books.
* This site, Reading A-Z, provides online reading and categorized according to level.
* Free Christian Audio Books provides the teen/adult listener with some great options to hear.
*Clearwater Press offers podcasts of a really interesting book, Runt the Brave. This one has really caught my eye!
Also, see my Quest Writer blog for info and links to more great reads and buys!

As always, please preview this material and make sure it is fit for your family. Enjoy!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Free traceable fonts

-Free fonts to make traceable worksheets! These fonts, when loaded into your computers fonts, enable you to type like usual and yet get traceable letters.
-Both manuscript (printing) and cursive are available.

Note: These links will take you to different sites.

*Print Clearly and Print Clearly Dashed =printing

*Learning curve dashed BV=cursive traceable and non-traceable

Q:How do you install the fonts onto your computer?

A:After you have downloaded and unzipped your fonts, keep the window where it is located open (on a downsized screen). Go to start on your computer, then settings, and then control panel. There click on fonts. Downsize this window as well. Then simply click and drag the font into your "font file". It will automatically show up when you type on Word or whatever.

Note: to connect the cursive letters together into words, simply go into (windows/word) format,then font, click onto character spacing. In the spacing option, click on condenced and then click on "by:" to slide the letters closer together.

Happy Writing!

What is going on in your area?

*CHB - Canadian Homeschooler's Board: is a forum of Homeschoolers.

* :Homeschool Nations - New Brunswick, Canada (homeschooling in NB-full of freebies and contests, etc).

*Attention Monctoon Area Homeschoolers: View this link to get news on what is going on in your area:
also Maritime Homeschooling support group online :

*World-wide homeschoolers: or

*Military homeschoolers :

and also:

*Military Homeschoolers of Monterey Bay

*San Antonio Military Home

*Hanscom Homeschool

*Eielson AFB & Ft. Wainwright Home Schoolers

*Macdill AFB in Tampa, FL.

*Homeschooling/Afterschooling in Japan

*Homeschooling Parents and Children Together (PACT)

Any others that you know of? Please leave a comment!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Homeschool Blog Tour

In March, we are planning to have a Home School Blog Tour. This is open to any parents who are teaching your children and have a blog and also to homeschooled kids (parents, please take any safety measures necessary to protect your kids). The purpose is that we might all be able to connect and encourage each other and to get tips, lesson ideas, etc.

Free homeschool materials, links to various sites, etc. will be showcased.

Want to participate?
Please email us and we will get back to you with more info.

Happy homeschooling!